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Realidades 2 Full Book.pdf
2._____ 3._____ When you want to compare a number of items using as much/as many+as (There are as many boys as girls in my class. I have as many friends as enemies.). We use tanto/tanta+noun+como. For example Realidades 2 Alternate Assessment Program, Prentice Hall (School Division), , , . . Realidades 1 Reading and Writing for Success, Prentice Hall (School Division), Jun 30, 2004, Education, 114 pages. Realidades is a standards 2016/01/05 Created Date 4/3/2014 2:17:14 PM Prentice Hall Realidades © 2008, Level 2 language. 2015/12/13 2016/11/13
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Spanish 2 follows the District Curriculum. See Overview. Lessons are supported by the textbook REALIDADES 2, which is an interactive online text. Students may also check out a textbook to use at home or in study hall. Use the 2006/07/01
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